- Real-time shipping cost calculation based on customer’s location prior to check-out.
- Automatically retrieve shipping charges from; UPS, USPS and DHL.
- Link to Shipping charges from each product.
- Free Shipping.
- Free shipping above a set order value.
- Free shipping above a set order value per region.
- One price for all.
- One price per shipping region.
- Charge shipping costs per product.
- Create unlimited shipping methods.
- Apply different shipping methods to different regions such as; local, domestic and international.
- Limit Regions you ship products to.
- Apply different shipping costs to different shipping methods.
- Create custom shipping regions.
- Charge shipping costs based on 'shipping provider.'
- Charge shipping costs based on 'weight.'
- Charge shipping costs based on 'order total.'
- Charge shipping costs based on 'quantity ordered.'
- Charge shipping costs based on 'exact value' or 'by range.'
- Apply additional handling/freight/packaging costs.
- Set maximum weight for boxes.
- Apply handling/freight/packaging charges per box.
- Set handling/freight/packaging charges on a product level.
- Real-time shipping charge calculation for customers.
- Allow customers to select shipping methods.